Your veterinary team needs your help to make your pet’s visit as Fear Free as possible. One thing you can do is to ensure that your pet gets to the veterinary hospital in a calm state of mind. The following tips will help you and your pet arrive in one piece and in peace.
Download the How to Prepare Your Pet for a Veterinary Visit pdf.
You may have noticed that when you bring one pet home from the veterinarian or groomer, your other pets give the “returnee” the cold shoulder, acting as if they don’t know him. Worse, they may react negatively, even aggressively. That’s because the pet may smell or look different (especially if they have been shaved or had a surgical procedure), causing fear and anxiety in your other pets. Here are some tips to help prevent a negative reintroduction when returning home with a pet.
Download the How to Manage a Fear Free Return Home pdf.